From MRS. FLORENCE H. KIDDER, of North Carolina, Lady Manager.
One and one-half pounds of stoned raisins, torn in half; one pound of
currants; one and one-half pounds of citron, cut fine; one and one-
quarter pounds of butter; one pound of sugar; eight eggs, well beaten;
one pound of stale bread crumbs; one and one-half pints of sweet milk,
boiled and poured on bread crumbs; two grated nutmegs; two tablespoons
of cinnamon; one tablespoon of mace, one of cloves and two of
allspice; eight tablespoons of sifted flour, rubbed in with fruit;
one-half pint of French brandy and one-half pint of Madeira or sherry.
Have a bag two thicknesses of white unbleached cloth; grease and flour
the inside well; pour in mixture, tie tightly to exclude water, and
leave room for pudding to swell. Put in a pot of boiling water, which
must be kept boiling for five hours. Put plate in bottom of pot to
prevent sticking. The bag must be turned repeatedly and kept under
_Sauce for Plum Pudding_--Butter and powdered sugar, thoroughly
stirred, and seasoned with wine and nutmeg. When pudding is ready to
serve, pour alcohol over it and set on fire.
This recipe makes a large pudding, but it can be packed away with
brandy poured over it, and can be used by steaming over as long as it