
Excellent Potato Salad Recipe

From MRS. CAROLINE E. DENNIS, of New York State, Alternate Lady
String the beans and boil them whole; when boiled tender and they have
become cold, slice them lengthwise, cutting each bean into four long
slices; season them an hour or two before serving, with a marinade of
a little pepper, salt, and three spoonfuls of vinegar to one spoonful
of oil. Just before serving, drain from them any drops of superfluous
liquid that may have collected and carefully mix them with a French
dressing. This makes a delicious salad.
_French Salad Dressing_--One tablespoon of vinegar; three
tablespoons of olive oil; one saltspoon of pepper, and one saltspoon
of salt. (This is half a spoon too much pepper for Americans.) Add a
trifle of onion, scraped fine, or rubbed on the salad bowl, if it is
desired at all. Pour the oil, mixed with the pepper and salt, over
the salad; mix them well together; then add the vinegar, and mix
again. Serve on a leaf of crisp lettuce.



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