Franklin Gems Recipe
From MRS. GOVERNOR JAMES P. EAGLE, of Arkansas, President of State
Board and Lady Manager.
Take one teacup of _boiling water_; stir in corn meal to make a
stiff mush; let stand over night in moderately warm place. Then take
one cup of _fresh milk_ and one of warm water and heat together
to a simmer and add to this the prepared mush, one tablespoonful of
sugar and one teaspoonful of salt. To these ingredients add a little
flour at a time, until you make a stiff batter. Place all in a milk-
warm vessel of water, place near fire and keep warm until it rises--
about six hours. To this yeast add flour to make a stiff dough, using
one tablespoon of lard and a little salt. Keep warm till it rises and
bake about an hour and a half.