Fruit Cake Recipe
One pound of flour, one of sugar, three-quarters of a pound of butter,
two pounds of seeded raisins, two of currants, one of citron, a quarter
of a pound of almonds, half an ounce of mace, a tea-spoonful of
rosewater, a wine glass of brandy, one of wine, and ten eggs. Stir the
sugar and butter to a cream, then add the whites and yelks of the eggs,
beaten separately to a froth--stir in the flour gradually, then the
wine, brandy, and spice. Add the fruit just before it is put into the
pans. It takes over two hours to bake it if the loaves are thick--if the
loaves are thin, it will bake in less time. This kind of cake is the
best after it has been made three or four weeks, and it will keep good
five or six months.