Fruit Pudding Recipe
Make good common pie crust--roll it out half an inch thick, and strew
over it any one of the following kinds of fruit: Cherries, currants,
gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, or cranberries. A
thick layer of marmalade spread on, is also very nice. Sprinkle over the
fruit a little cinnamon or cloves, and sugar. If the pudding is made of
gooseberries, currants, or cranberries, a great deal of sugar will be
necessary. Roll the crust up carefully, join the ends so that the fruit
will not drop out, and lay the pudding in a thick white towel, that has
been previously dipped into water, and floured. Baste up the towel, and
lay it carefully in a pot of boiling water, with a plate at the bottom
of it. Boil it an hour, and serve it up with rich liquid sauce. For a
baked fruit pudding, make a batter of wheat flour, or Indian meal, with
milk and eggs. Mix the ingredients in the proportion of a pint of flour
and six eggs to a quart of milk. Put to each quart of milk a pint of
fruit, and sugar to the taste.