Leg Of Mutton In The French Fashion Recipe
A leg of mutton thus dressed is a very excellent dish. Pare off all the
skin as neatly as possible; lard the leg with the best lard, and stick a
few cloves here and there, with half a clove of garlic, laid in the
shank. When half roasted, cut off three or four thin pieces, so as not
to disfigure it, about the shank bone; mince these very fine with sage,
thyme, mint, and any other sweet garden herbs; add a little beaten
ginger, very little, three or four grains; as much cayenne pepper, two
spoonfuls of lemon juice, two ladlefuls of claret wine, a few capers,
the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs: stew these in some meat jelly, and,
when thoroughly stewed, pour over your roast, and serve it up. Do not
spare your meat jelly; let the sauce be in generous quantity.