Mock Turtle Or Calf's Head Soup Recipe
Boil the head until perfectly tender--then take it out, strain the
liquor, and set it away until the next day--then skim off the fat, cut
up the meat, together with the lights, and put it into the liquor, put
it on the fire, and season it with salt, pepper, cloves, and mace--add
onions and sweet herbs, if you like--stew it gently for half an hour.
Just before you take it up, add half a pint of white wine. For the
balls, chop lean veal fine, with a little salt pork, add the brains, and
season it with salt, pepper, cloves, mace, sweet herbs or curry powder,
make it up into balls about the size of half an egg, boil part in the
soup, and fry the remainder, and put them in a dish by themselves.