Nut Cakes Recipe
Heat a pint of milk just lukewarm--stir into it a tea-cup of lard, (the
lard should be melted.) Stir in flour, till it is a thick batter, then
add a small tea-cup of yeast. Set it in a warm place--when light, work
in two tea-cups and a half of rolled sugar, four eggs beaten to a froth,
two tea-spoonsful of cinnamon, and one of salt. Knead in flour to make
it sufficiently stiff to roll out--keep it in a warm place, till risen
again. When it appears of a spongy lightness, roll it out about half an
inch thick, cut it into cakes with a wine glass, let them remain fifteen
or twenty minutes before boiling them--boil them in a pot, with about a
couple of pounds of lard. The fat should be hot enough to boil up as
they are put in, and a brisk fire kept under the pot. It should be
shaken constantly while they are boiling. Only a few should be boiled at
once--if crowded, they will not fry well. If you wish to have them look
nice, dip them into powdered white sugar as soon as fried. The same
lard, with a little more added, will answer to fry several batches of
cakes in, if not burnt.