Take six or eight ribs of a neck of mutton; separate and take off all
the skin and fat, and put them into a stewpan with twelve cloves, a
small piece of ginger, twelve grains of black pepper, and a little
cinnamon and mace, with one clove of garlic. Add as much water as will
serve to stew these ingredients thoroughly and make the meat tender.
Then take out the mutton, and fry it in nice butter of a light brown,
with some small onions chopped fine and fried very dry; put them to the
mutton-gravy and spice in which it was stewed, adding a table-spoonful
of curry-powder and half an ounce of butter. After mixing all the above
ingredients well together, put them to the rice, which should be
previously half boiled, and let the whole stew together, until the rice
is done enough and the gravy completely absorbed. When the pilaw is
dished for table, it should be thinly covered with plain boiled rice to
make it look white, and served up very hot.