Pine Apples Recipe
Take those that are ripe, and perfectly fresh--pare off the rind, and
cut the apples in slices an inch thick. Powder the same weight of white
sugar as you have pine apples--lay the pine apples in a deep dish, and
sprinkle part of the powdered sugar between each layer of apples.
Reserve about half of the sugar. Let the apples remain till the
succeeding day--then turn the syrup from them, and mix it with the
reserved sugar, and half a pint of water, for three or four pounds of
pine apple. Boil the syrup, take it from the fire, and when cool, put in
the apples, simmer them gently till tender, let them remain in a deep
dish for several days--they should be covered up tight, and kept in a
cool place. Whenever there is any appearance of fermentation, turn the
syrup from them, scald it, and turn it back hot on to the pine apples.
Keep them in glass or china jars, covered tight, and in a cool place.