
Pot Roast Larded Recipe

(Arrosto morto lardellato)

Take a piece short and thick of beef or veal, quite tender and weighing

about two pounds or a little more. Lard it with ham or bacon cut in

little pieces. Tie with a string and put it in a stewpan with a piece of

butter, one fourth of a middle-sized onion cut in two pieces, three or

four ribs of celery half an inch thick and as many slices of carrot.

Season with salt and pepper and when the meat begins to brown--turning

it often--pour over one cup of water and complete the cooking on a low

fire, leaving it to absorb great part of the gravy. See, however, that

it doesn't dry up and become black. When you send to the table strain

the juice that has remained and pour it on the meat, that may be

surrounded with potatoes cut in pieces or kept whole if small,

previously browned in butter or oil.



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