Pumpkin Chips Recipe
Take what quantity you choose of a good sweet pumpkin, (the butter
pumpkin makes the nicest sweetmeats.) Halve the pumpkin, take out the
seeds, and cut it into chips of the size of a dollar. For each pound of
the pumpkin to be preserved, allow a pound of fine white sugar, and a
gill of lemon-juice. Put the chips in a deep dish, and sprinkle on each
layer a layer of the sugar. Turn the lemon-juice over the whole. Let it
remain a day--then boil the whole together, with half a pint of water to
three pounds of the pumpkin, a table-spoonful of powdered ginger, tied
up in bags, and the peel of the lemons, cut into small pieces. When the
pumpkin becomes tender, turn the whole into a preserve pot. In the
course of a week, turn the syrup from the pumpkin, boil it to a rich
syrup, and turn it back hot.