Rhubarb Pies Recipe
Take the tender stalks of the rhubarb, strip off the skin, and cut the
stalks into thin slices. Line deep plates with pie crust, then put in
the rhubarb, with a thick layer of sugar to each layer of rhubarb--a
little grated lemon peel improves the pie. Cover the pies with a thick
crust--press it down tight round the edge of the plate, and prick the
crust with a fork, so that the crust will not burst while baking, and
let out the juices of the pie. Rhubarb pies should be baked about an
hour, in a slow oven--it will not do to bake them quick. Some cooks stew
the rhubarb before making it into pies, but it is not so good as when
used without stewing.