Roast Meat Gravy Recipe
Meat, when put down to roast, should have about a pint of water in the
dripping pan. A little while before the meat is done, stir up the
drippings, put it in a skillet, and set it where it will boil. Mix two
or three tea spoonsful of flour smoothly, with a little water, and stir
it in the gravy when it boils. Lamb and veal require a little butter in
the gravy. The gravy for pork and geese, should have a little of the
dressing, and sage, mixed with it. If you wish to have your gravies look
dark, scorch the flour that you thicken them with, which is easily done
by putting it in a pan, setting it on a few coals, and stirring it
constantly till it is a dark brown color, taking care that it does not
burn. Enough can be burnt at once to last a long time.