
Scotch Collops Recipe

Take a piece of the fillet of veal, as much as will cut into fifteen

pieces, of the size and thickness of a crown-piece; shake a little flour

over it; put a little butter into a frying-pan, and melt it; fry the

slices of veal quick till they are brown, and lay them in a dish near

the fire. Then prepare a sauce thus: take a little butter in a stewpan

and melt it; add a table-spoonful of flour; stir it about till it is as

smooth as cream; put in half a pint each of beef and veal jelly, cayenne

pepper and salt, a pinch of each, and one glass of white wine,

twenty-four pieces of truffles the size of a shilling, and a

table-spoonful of mushrooms: wash them thoroughly from vinegar; squeeze

the juice of half a lemon; stew the sauce gently for one hour; then

throw in the veal, and stew it all together for five minutes. Serve

quite hot, laying the veal regularly in the dish.



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