Tomatoes Recipe
If very ripe will skin easily; if not, pour scalding water on them, and
let them remain in it four or five minutes. Peel and put them in a stew
pan, with a table spoonful of water, if not very juicy; if so, no water
will be required. Put in a little salt, and stew them for half an hour;
then turn them into a deep dish with buttered toast. Another way of
cooking them, which is considered very nice by epicures, is to put them
in a deep dish, with fine bread crumbs, crackers pounded fine, a layer
of each alternately; put small bits of butter, a little salt, and pepper
on each layer--some cooks add a little nutmeg and sugar. Have a layer of
bread crumbs on the top. Bake it three quarters of an hour.