Take of the finest tripe, and, when properly trimmed, cut it in pieces
about four inches square; put it in a stewpan, with as much white wine
as will almost cover it: slice in three or four race of ginger, quarter
in a nutmeg, put in a good deal of salt, a bundle of herbs, rosemary,
thyme, sweet marjoram, and onion. When this has stewed gently a good
while, take out a pint of the clearest liquor, free from fat or dross,
and dissolve in it some anchovies finely picked. Take up the tripe, a
bit at a time, with a fork, and lay it in a warmed dish; pour on it the
liquor in which the anchovies were dissolved. Sprinkle on it a little
lemon juice. Those who are fond of onions or garlic may make either the
prevailing ingredient.