
Chicken Soup Recipe

Take three young male chickens; cut them up; put them in

a saucepan with three quarts of veal stock. (A sliced carrot, one

turnip, and one head of celery may be put with them and removed before

the soup is thickened.) Let them simmer for an hour. Remove all the

white flesh; return the rest of the birds to the soup, and boil gently

for two hours. Pour a little of the liquid over a quarter of a pound of

bread crumbs, and when they are well soaked put it in a mortar with the

white flesh of the birds, and pound the whole to a smooth paste: add a

pinch of ground mace, salt, and a little cayenne pepper; press the

mixture through a sieve, and boil once more, adding a pint of boiling

cream; thicken with a little flour mixed in cold milk; remove the bones,

and serve.



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