Mock Turtle Soup Recipe
Take half a calf's head, with the skin on; remove the
brains. Wash the head in several waters, and let it soak in cold water
for an hour. Put it in a saucepan with five quarts of beef stock; let it
simmer gently for an hour; remove the scum carefully. Take up the head
and let it get cold; cut the meat from the bones into pieces an inch
square, and set them in the ice-box.
Dissolve two ounces of butter in a frying pan; mince a large onion, and
fry it in the butter until nicely browned, and add to the stock in which
the head was cooked. Return the bones to the stock; simmer the soup,
removing the scum until no more rises. Put in a carrot, a turnip, a
bunch of parsley, a bouquet of herbs, a dozen outer stalks of celery,
two blades of mace and the rind of one lemon, grated; salt and pepper to
taste. Boil gently for two hours, and strain the soup through a cloth.
Mix three ounces of browned flour with a pint of the soup; let simmer
until it thickens, then add it to the soup. Take the pieces of head out
of the ice-box, and add to the soup; let them simmer until quite tender.
"Before serving add a little Worcestershire sauce, a tablespoonful of
anchovy paste, a gobletful of port or sherry, and two lemons sliced,
each slice quartered, with the rind trimmed off." Warm the wine a very
little before adding it to the soup. Keep in ice-box three or four days
before using. Serve the brains as a side dish.