
Soup Stock Recipe

The word stock when used in cooking means the foundation or

basis upon which soups and sauces depend; it is therefore the most

important part of soup making. Care should be exercised that nothing in

the least tainted or decayed enters the stock pot; it is very desirable

that soup stock be prepared a day or two before it is wanted; the

seasoning should be added in moderation at first, as it is difficult to

restore a soup that has been damaged by over seasoning.

Milk or cream should be boiled and strained and added hot when intended

for soups; when eggs are used beat them thoroughly, and add while the

soup is hot. Should they be added when the soup is boiling, they are

very apt to separate, and give the soup the appearance of having

curdled; the best plan is to beat up the egg with a little of the warm

soup, then add it to the soup gradually.

In summer, soup stock should be boiled from day to day, if kept any

length of time, else it may become sour: should this happen, add a piece

of charcoal to the soup, boil, cool, and strain into freshly scalded

earthen or porcelain-lined ware. On no account allow the soup stock to

become cold in an iron pot or saucepan.



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