
Potatoes Recipe

In making sauce Hollandaise or mayonnaise one always has quite a quantity
of the left-over whites. These may be made into various sponges, or used
for fruit snow. Beat the whites of four or five eggs until light, then
add two level tablespoonfuls of sifted powdered sugar to the white of each
egg and beat until dry and glossy. Grate into this one tart apple, fold it
quickly, float it on a little dish of good milk or cream, and send it at
once to the table. If you have one or two little stale cakes, or a bit of
sponge cake, stale, grate it, dust the top, and if you have just a little
jelly, you may dot it here and there with the jelly. This must be made
just before the dinner hour, or the apple will lose its color. Grated
pear, or two or three peaches pressed through a sieve, or one or two soft
bananas may be beaten and used in the place of the apple.



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