Chop twenty-five large hard-shell clams, very fine, and
put them aside; fry half a chopped red onion in an ounce of hot butter;
add a teaspoonful of chopped celery tops, a blade of mace, one salted
anchovy, six whole peppers, and a pint of soup stock. Let it boil; then
strain into a saucepan; add the chopped clams and one quart of stock or
hot water. Boil slowly one hour; strain all the clams through a sieve
twice, and return to the stock; season with salt and cayenne. Keep the
soup warm, but do not let it boil again; taste for seasoning. Boil one
pint of cream in a saucepan previously wet with cold water; strain it,
and add to the soup slowly. Mix a teaspoonful of rice flour in a little
cold milk; add to the soup; whisk the soup; taste again for seasoning;
pour it into a hot tureen, and serve.