
Queen's Soup Recipe

(Zuppa Regina)

This is made with the white meat of chicken, which is to be ground in a

meat grinder together with blanched almonds (5 or 6) for one quart of

chicken stock. To the meat and almond add some bread crumbs, first

soaked in milk or broth, in the proportion of about one fifth of the

quantity of the meat. All these ingredients are to be rubbed to a very

smooth paste and hot broth is to be added to them. If you wish the soup

to be richer and have a more milky consistency, use the yolk of an egg,

which should be beaten, and have a few tablespoonfuls of hot broth

stirred into it before adding to the soup. Do not let the soup boil

after the egg is added or it will curdle.

One slice of stale bread may be cut into cubes, fried in deep fat, and

the croutons put in the soup. Send it to the table with a dish of grated




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