Tomatoes Recipe
Take them when quite small and green--put them in cold clarified syrup,
with an orange, cut in slices, to every two pounds of the tomatoes.
Simmer them gently, on a slow fire, two or three hours. There should be
equal weights of sugar and tomatoes, and more than sufficient water to
cover the tomatoes, used for the syrup. Another method of preserving
them, which is very nice, is to allow a couple of fresh lemons to three
pounds of the tomatoes--pare thin the rind of the lemons, so as to get
none of the white part, squeeze out the juice, mix them with cold water
sufficient to cover the tomatoes, and put in a few peach leaves, and
powdered ginger, tied up in bags. Boil the whole together gently, for
three-quarters of an hour--then take up the tomatoes, strain the liquor,
and put to it a pound and a half of white sugar, for each pound of
tomatoes. Put in the tomatoes, and boil them gently, till the syrup
appears to have entered them. In the course of a week turn the syrup
from them, heat it scalding hot, and turn it on to the tomatoes.
Tomatoes preserved in this manner appear like West Indian sweetmeats.