
A Cabbage Center Piece Recipe

Take a head of cabbage, one that has been picked too late is best, for

the leaves open better then, and are apt to be slightly curled. Lay the

cabbage on a flat plate or salver and press the leaves down and open

with your hand, firmly but gently, so as not to break them off. When

they all lie out flat, stab the firm, yellow heart through several times

with a sharp knife, until its outlines are lost and then place flowers

at random all over the cabbage.

Roses are prettiest, but any flower which has a firm, stiff stem,

capable of holding the blossom upright will do. Press the stems down

through the leaves and put in sufficient green to vary prettily. The

outer leaves of the cabbage, the only ones to be seen when the flowers

are in, form a charming background, far prettier than any basket.

Roses are best for all seasons, but autumn offers some charming

variations. The brilliant scarlet berries of the mountain ash or red

thorn mingled with the deep, rich green of feathery asparagus, make a

delicious color symphony most appropriate to the season.



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