
A Pudding Made Of Small Birds Recipe

Industrious and intelligent boys who live in the country, are mostly

well up in the cunning art of catching small birds at odd times during

the winter months. So, my young friends, when you have been so fortunate

as to succeed in making a good catch of a couple of dozen of birds, you

must first pluck them free from feathers, cut off their heads and claws,

and pick out their gizzards from their sides with the point of a small

knife, and then hand the birds over to your mother, who, by following

these instructions, will prepare a famous pudding for your dinner or

supper. First, fry the birds whole with a little butter, shalot,

parsley, thyme, and winter savory, all chopped small, pepper and salt to

season; and when the birds are half done, shake in a small handful of

flour, add rather better than a gill of water, stir the whole on the

fire while boiling for ten minutes, and when the stew of birds is nearly

cold, pour it all into a good-sized pudding basin, which has been

ready-lined with either a suet and flour crust, or else a

dripping-crust, cover the pudding in with a piece of the paste, and

either bake or boil it for about an hour and-a-half.



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