
Potato Pudding Recipe

Ingredients, three pounds of potatoes, two quarts of milk, two ounces of

butter, two ounces of sugar, a bit of lemon-peel, a good pinch of salt,

and three eggs. First, bake the potatoes, if you have means to do so, or

let them be either steamed or boiled; when done, scoop out all their

floury pulp without waste into a large saucepan, and immediately beat it

up vigorously with a large fork or a spoon; then add all the remainder

of the above-named ingredients (excepting the eggs), stir the potato

batter carefully on the fire till it comes to a boil, then add the

beaten eggs; pour the batter into a greased pie-dish, and bake the

pudding for an hour in your oven, if you have one; if not, send it to

the baker's.



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