
How To Fry Potatoes Recipe

Peel, split, and cut the potatoes into slices of equal thickness, say

the thickness of two penny pieces; and as they are cut out of hand, let

them be dropped into a pan of cold water. When about to fry the

potatoes, first drain them on a clean cloth, and dab them all over, in

order to absorb all moisture; while this has been going on, you will

have made some kind of fat (entirely free from water or gravy, such as

lard, for instance) very hot in a frying-pan, and into this drop your

prepared potatoes, only a good handful at a time; as, if you attempt to

fry too many at once, instead of being crisp, as they should be, the

potatoes will fry flabby, and consequently will be unappetising. As soon

as the first lot is fried in a satisfactory manner, drain them from the

fat with a skimmer, or spoon, and then fry the remainder; and when all

are fried, shake a little salt over them.



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