
Almond Soup Recipe

Take lean beef or veal, about eight or nine pounds, and a scrag of

mutton; boil them gently in water that will cover them, till the gravy

be very strong and the meat very tender; then strain off the gravy and

set it on the fire with two ounces of vermicelli, eight blades of mace,

twelve cloves, to a gallon. Let it boil till it has the flavour of the

spices. Have ready one pound of the best almonds, blanched and pounded

very fine; pound them with the yolks of twelve eggs, boiled hard, mixing

as you pound them with a little of the soup, lest the almonds should

grow oily. Pound them till they are a mere pulp: add a little soup by

degrees to the almonds and eggs until mixed together. Let the soup be

cool when you mix it, and do it perfectly smooth. Strain it through a

sieve; set it on the fire; stir it frequently; and serve it hot. Just

before you take it up add a gill of thick cream.



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