
Another Method For Making Economical Soup Recipe

In households where large joints of salt beef, or pork, are cooked

almost daily for the family, the liquor in which they have been boiled

should be saved, all grease removed therefrom, and put into the copper

with a plentiful supply of carrots, parsnips, celery, and onions, all

cut in small pieces, the whole boiled and well skimmed till the

vegetables are done; the soup is then to be thickened with either

oatmeal, peasemeal, or Indian corn meal, seasoned with pepper and ground

allspice, and stirred continuously until it boils up again; it must then

be skimmed, and the best pieces of meat selected from the stock-pot

should be kept in careful reserve, to be added to the soup, and allowed

to boil therein for half an hour longer.



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