Belgian PurÉe Recipe
is called _crême de sauté_. Itself one of the most wholesome of
vegetables, watercress combines admirably with potatoes in making soup.
Wash, dry, and chop finely four ounces of the leaves picked from the
stalks, fry slowly for five minutes with or without a thinly-sliced
onion, add one pound of potatoes cut in small dice, and fry, still very
slowly, without browning; pour in one quart of water or thin stock,
simmer gently, closely-covered, for from thirty-five to fifty minutes,
rub through a hair sieve, and having returned the puree to the saucepan
with a half-teaspoonful of castor sugar, and salt and cayenne to taste,
thicken with one table-spoonful of flour stirred smoothly into one
breakfast-cupful of cold milk; boil up sharply, and serve sprinkled with
[_E. Haig._]