
Cabbage Salad Recipe

This salad requires about a pint and a half of chopped cabbage. The

cabbage should have the loose leaves removed, the stem cut out, and then

be laid in cold water twelve hours. Chop rather fine, pour over and mix

with it a boiled dressing. Heat three-quarters of a cup of milk and beat

two egg yolks with a fork. Mix with the egg a half-teaspoonful of

mustard, one half-teaspoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of granulated

gelatine that has been softened in a little cold water, a teaspoonful of

sugar and a few grains of cayenne. Cook a tablespoonful of butter and

flour together and add half a cup of vinegar. Now cook the milk and egg

mixture together like a soft custard and combine with the other part.

This dressing, if sealed tight, will keep a long time. When the cabbage

and dressing are mixed, fill little individual molds and set away to

cool. After-dinner coffee cups, wet in cold water, make good molds. Bits

of red beet or half an olive put in the bottom of the mold before the

cabbage is put in will make a pretty garnish when the salad is turned




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