
Caretaker's Beef Recipe

For this national dish that part of the animal called the "spiering" is
used, which is cut from near the neck. What is called fresh silverside in
England answers very well. Cut the beef into slices about half-an-inch
thick and divide the slices into four pieces. This you can do with a
piece of four pounds. For a piece of four pounds, cook first of all four
large fried onions in fat. Put the beef in the hot fat when the onions
are colored, and sauté it; that is, keep moving the meat about gently.
Take the meat out and place it on a dish. Add to the fat two dessert-
spoonsful of flour and let it cook gently for five minutes, adding a good
pint of water. Pass the sauce through a tammy, over the onions, and put
the meat back in it, and it ought to cover them. Then add a dessert-
spoonful of good vinegar and a strong bunch of herbs. Stew for an hour,
take off the fat and remove the bunch of herbs. Heat up again and serve.



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