Carrots A La Creme Recipe
Take a large bunch of very small new carrots, scrape them, tie them
loosely in a piece of coarse muslin and put into a saucepan almost full
of boiling water, to which has been added a small lump of beef drippings
and two ounces of salt. In about twenty minutes they will be tender,
when remove from the hot water and plunge for a moment in cold. Next
melt an ounce of butter in a saucepan and stir into this a dessert
spoonful of flour, a small quantity each of pepper, salt and cayenne,
also a little nutmeg and half a teacupful of cream. Remove the carrots
from the muslin, put them into the saucepan with the other ingredients
and let them simmer in them for a few minutes; then serve very quickly
while hot. Green peas and carrots mixed and dressed in this way make an
excellent variation.