Cauliflower Salad Recipe
This salad is what Mrs. Rorer terms delicious served with her favorite
French dressing. Take a head of cauliflower and boil in a piece of fine
cheesecloth. Remove from the cloth, drain and sprinkle over it two
tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar and stand aside to cool. At
serving time break the head apart into flowerets, arrange them neatly on
a dish; sprinkle over a little chopped parsley or the wild sorrel; cover
with French dressing made as follows; put a half-teaspoon of salt and as
much white pepper into a bowl; add gradually six tablespoons of olive
oil. Rub until the salt is dissolved, and then add one tablespoon of
vinegar or lemon juice. Beat well for a moment and it is ready to use.
It is much better if used at once.