
Clear Soup Recipe

Take six pounds of gravy beef; cut it small, put it into a large

stewpan, with onions, carrots, turnips, celery, a small bunch of herbs,

and one cup of water. Stew these on the fire for an hour, then add nine

pints of boiling water; let it boil for six hours, strain it through a

fine sieve, and let it stand till next day; take off the fat; put it

into a clean stewpan, set it on the fire till it is quite hot; then

break three eggs into a basin, leaving the shells with them. Add this to

the soup by degrees; cover close till it boils; then strain it into a

pan through a fine cloth. When the eggs are well beaten, a little hot

soup must be added by degrees, and beaten up before it is put into the

stewpan with the whole of the soup.



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