
Dutch Sauce For Fish Recipe

Take a piece of veal suitable for roasting, and put it in vinegar for
twenty-four hours.
Roast it with butter, pepper and salt, with a few slices of onion. Baste
it well, and when it is finished crush the onions in the gravy and add
some cream. Mix together with flour so as to thicken.
[_Mdlle. Spreakers_.]
_This is the demi-glaze Sauce which is used for all brown Sauces._
Take one pound of flour, dry it in the oven on a tray till it is the
color of cocoa; pass it through a sieve into a saucepan, moisten it with
stock, mixing very carefully. Boil it up two or three times during forty-
eight hours, adding two carrots, two onions, thyme, bay, all cut up,
which you have colored in the frying-pan, also some salt and peppercorns.
When it is all cooked, pass it through a cloth or sieve. When it is
reduced the first time, you should add some stock, but by the time it is
finished it should be fairly thick. It will keep for a fortnight.
[_G. Goffaux_.]



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