
Gravy Soup No 3 Recipe

Cut the lean part of a shin of beef, the same of a knuckle of veal, and

set the bones of both on the fire, in two gallons of water, to make

broth. Put the meat in a stewpan; add some lean bacon or ham, one

carrot, two turnips, two heads of celery, two large onions, a bunch of

sweet herbs, some whole pepper, two race of ginger, six cloves. Set

these over the fire, let it draw till all the gravy is dried up to a

nice brown; then add the broth that is made with the bones. Let it boil

slowly four or five hours. Make the soup the day before you want to use

it, that you may take the fat clean from the top, also the sediment from

the bottom. Have ready some turnips, carrots, and cabbage lettuces, cut

small, and one pint of young peas; add these to your soup; let it boil

one hour, and it will be ready, with salt to your taste.



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