
Hashed Meats Recipe

I strongly recommend that you never allow yourselves to be persuaded,

that cold meat dinners are cheap dinners; just the reverse of this

assumption is the fact. And, let me tell you, that those who make the

former assertion, do so only because they know no better, and as an

excuse for their idleness. I am well aware that in your homes it is not

a common every-day occurrence for you to dress a large joint of meat,

from which enough would be left for one or more days' dinner; but still

it may, and does sometimes occur, that you have cold meat at your

disposal, upon which you may exercise your knowledge in domestic

economy. Besides, some of you who are living close to noblemen and

gentlemen's mansions in the country, or otherwise, may perhaps stand a

chance of now and then receiving a donation of this kind. And whenever

you have any cold meat, I advise you to cook it up into stews of the

various kinds described in this work, or else make it into a hash as

follows: First, chop two onions fine, and put them to boil with pepper

and salt and a pint of water, in a saucepan for ten minutes, then throw

in the meat cut in thin slices, mixed with a little flour; boil all

together gently for ten minutes longer, and pour the hash into a dish

containing either some ready boiled potatoes, or else some slices of

toasted bread.



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