
How To Stew Red Cabbages Recipe

The use of the red cabbage in this country is confined to its being

pickled almost raw, and eaten in that detestable and injurious state,

whereby its anti-scorbutic powers are annulled.

The red cabbage, when merely boiled with bacon, or with a little butter

and salt, is both nutritious and beneficial in a medicinal point of

view, inasmuch as that it possesses great virtue in all scorbutic and

dartrous affections. On the Continent it is customary to administer it

in such cases in the form of a syrup, and also in a gelatinized state.

The red cabbage, stewed in the following manner, will be found a very

tasty dish:--Slice up the red cabbage rather thin, wash it well, drain

it, and then put it into a saucepan with a little dripping or butter, a

gill of vinegar, pepper and salt; put the lid on, and set the cabbage to

stew slowly on the hob, stirring it occasionally from the bottom to

prevent it from burning; about an hour's gentle stewing will suffice to

cook it thoroughly. All kinds of cabbage or kail are anti-scorbutic




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