Ingredients: Tomatoes, mayonnaise, shallot, horseradish, gherkin,
anchovies, fish, cucumber, lettuce, chervil, tarragon, eggs.
Mix the following ingredients: two anchovies in oil boned and minced,
a gill of mayonnaise sauce, a little grated horseradish, very little
chopped shallot, a little cold salmon or trout, and a small gherkin
chopped. With this mixture stuff some ripe tomatoes. Then make a good
salad of endive or lettuce, a teaspoonful of chopped tarragon and
chervil, season it with oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper (the proportions
should be three of oil to one of vinegar), put a layer of slices of
cucumber in the salad, place the tomatoes on the top of these, and
decorate them with hard-boiled eggs passed through a wire sieve.