
Lemon Pie Recipe


Take two lemons, three eggs, two tablespoonfuls melted butter, eight

tablespoonfuls white sugar; squeeze the juice of the lemons and grate

the rind of one, stir together the yolks of three eggs and white of one

with the sugar, butter, juice and rind, then one (coffee) cup of sweet

cream or milk, beat all for a minute or two; have ready a plate lined

with paste, into which pour the mixture which will be sufficient for two

pies of the ordinary size. Bake till the pastry is done. Meanwhile beat

the remaining whites to a stiff froth and stir in four spoonfuls of

white sugar. Take the pies from the oven and spread over equal parts

upon each and return them quickly to the oven and bake a delicate brown.

Take care that the oven be not too hot, or they will brown too quickly

and cause the pie to fall when taken out.



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