MR. JOSEPH FLEIG. (Baker, Grenoble Hotel, N. Y.)
Make a paste of three quarters of a pound flour, five ounces of sugar,
one half pound butter and two eggs. Roll part of this out to one fourth
inch thick layer and spread over a round shallow cake pan about one half
inch deep. Bake very slightly. When cold spread with thin layer of jam
or jelly, then put with bag and star tube, stripes of macaroon over and
bake in a slow oven nice and brown. Put some icing between the stripes
after tart is baked.
Take one pound Hoide's Almond paste and mix fine with one pound powdered
sugar then add gradually the whites of about eight eggs until the paste
gets smooth and soft enough to pass through the bag and tube. For
macaroons make paste softer and use round tube or teaspoon. Bake on
paper in slow oven.