
Mock Turtle Soup No 1 Recipe

Take a calf's head, very white and very fresh, bone the nose part of it;

put the head into some warm water to discharge the blood; squeeze the

flesh with your hand to ascertain that it is all thoroughly out; blanch

the head in boiling water. When firm, put it into cold water, which

water must be prepared as follows: cut half a pound of fat bacon, a

pound of beef suet, an onion stuck with two cloves, two thick slices of

lemon; put these into a vessel, with water enough to contain the head;

boil the head in this, and take it off when boiled, leaving it to cool.

Then make your sauce in the following manner: put into a stewpan a pound

of ham cut into slices; put over the ham two knuckles of veal, two

large onions, and two carrots; moisten with some of the broth in which

you have boiled the head to half the depth of the meat only; cover the

stewpan, and set it on a slow fire to sweat through; let the broth

reduce to a good rich colour; turn up the meat for fear of burning. When

you have a very good colour, moisten with the whole remaining broth from

the head; season with a very large bundle of sweet herbs, sweet basil,

sweet marjoram, lemon-thyme, common thyme, two cloves, and a bay leaf, a

few allspice, parsley, and green onions and mushrooms. Let the whole

boil together for one hour; then drain it. Put into a stewpan a quarter

of a pound of very fresh butter, let it melt over a very slow fire; put

to this butter as much flour as it can receive till the flour has

acquired a very good brown colour; moisten this gradually with the broth

till you have employed it all; add half a bottle of good white wine; let

the sauce boil that the flour may be well done; take off all the scum

and fat; pass it through a sieve. Cut the meat off the calf's head in

pieces of about an inch square; put them to boil in the sauce; season

with salt, a little cayenne pepper, and lemon juice. Throw in some

forcemeat balls, made according to direction, and a few hard yolks of

eggs, and serve up hot.



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