Mushroom Soup Recipe
Get your butcher to crack for you a shank of beef. Put over it four
quarts of water. Let it boil hard for a few moments until all the scum
has risen and has been removed. Set it back on the stove now to simmer
five hours. At the end of the fourth hour add one carrot, one turnip,
one small onion, one bunch of parsley, two stalks of celery, twelve
cloves and two bay leaves. Let all these boil together one hour, then
strain and set away until the next day, when all the grease must be
skimmed off. To every quart of the stock add a quart of milk thickened
with two tablespoonfuls of flour and two tablespoonfuls of butter, one
saltspoonful of salt and a dust of pepper, add to this a half-pint of
canned mushrooms or small mushrooms stewed thoroughly in the liquor
obtained from boiling and straining the stems and parings.