Take half of a small very solid head of white cabbage, cut into eighths,
from top to stem, without cutting quite through the stem so that it does
not fall into pieces; cover with cold water for one hour; then immerse
it in a porcelain kettle of rapidly boiling water, into which has been
dropped a teaspoonful of salt and soda the size of a pea. Cover the
vessel well and continue boiling for five minutes; drain, cover again
with fresh boiling water and let boil for eight or ten minutes longer.
Take out of water, draining, flat side down, on a hot platter for a
moment. Then turn right side up, allowing the slices to spread apart a
little, and drop slowly over it the following sauce: One tablespoon
butter and two tablespoons sweet cream, melted together. Select and have
ready to use at once, eighteen or twenty plump, good sized oysters,
dried on a towel. Take a double-wire gridiron and butter it well; spread
the oysters carefully on one side of the gridiron and fold the other
side down over them. Have a clear fire and broil them quickly, first one
side, then the other, turning iron but once. Dot them over the hot
cabbage, giving all a faint dust of curry powder and two or three dashes
of white pepper. This is a most dainty and delicious dish.