
Rice And Apples Recipe

Ingredients, one pound of rice, twelve apples, two ounces of sugar. Tie

up the rice very loose in a pudding-cloth, so as to admit that while

boiling it may have sufficient room to swell out to five times its

original quantity. While the rice is boiling, which will take about one

hour, peel the apples, and put them in a saucepan with nearly

half-a-pint of water, a bit of butter, lemon-peel, and the sugar, and

stew them on the fire till dissolved, stirring them while boiling for a

few minutes. When your rice pudding is done and turned out on its dish,

pour the apple-sauce over it. This cheap kind of rice pudding may also

be eaten with all kinds of fruits, prepared in the same manner as herein

directed for apples.



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