Sachet Powders Recipe
In making sachet powders one general direction must be borne in
mind--each ingredient must be powdered before mixing. Potpourri should
be made before the season of outdoor flowers passes. Pluck the most
fragrant flowers in your garden, passing by all withered blossoms. Pick
the flowers apart, placing the petals on plates and setting them where
the sun can shine upon them. Let the petals thus continue to dry in the
sun for several days. Each flower may be made into potpourri by itself,
or the different flowers may be mixed in any variety and proportion that
pleases the maker. Flowers which have little or no scent should be left
out. When the leaves are well dried sprinkle them with table salt. Do
not omit this, as it is important. The right proportion is about two
ounces of the salt to each pound of leaves. If also two ounces of
powdered orris root is added and well mixed in with the dried petals
the fragrance and permanence are improved. Now the potpourri is ready to
put in the jars that are sold for that purpose.