Stuffed Cucumbers Recipe
Choose medium sized cucumbers, pare, cut off one or both ends, extract
the seeds, boil from three to five minutes, drain and throw into cold
water to firm, drain again and fill the insides with chicken or veal
forcemeat; line a pan with thin slices of pork, on which set the
cucumbers, season with salt and pepper and a pinch of marjoram and
summer savory, baste with melted butter, or gravy, chicken gravy is the
best, cover with a buttered paper and let bake. Or stuff with a sausage
forcemeat, make a bed for the cucumbers of chopped vegetables and
moisten with stock or water; or fill with a tomato stuffing as for
stuffed tomatoes, baste often with butter, or a nice gravy, put over a
buttered paper and bake until done, in about fifteen or twenty minutes.
The Chicago Record gave the following recipe for cucumbers stuffed with
rice:--Pare thinly five five-inch cucumbers. Cut off one end and remove
the pulp, leaving a thick solid case, with one thick end. Season one cup
of hot boiled rice, salted in cooking, with a tablespoonful of butter, a
pinch each of marjoram and summer savory, saltspoonful of grated
nutmeg, four shakes of cayenne and a tablespoonful of lemon juice. Fill
the cucumbers with this mixture; replace the end, fastening it with
small skewers; place in a pan of boiling water, salted, in which are two
bay leaves and a clove of garlic, and boil for ten minutes or until
tender. Drain and serve covered with a cream sauce.