
Stuffed Onions Recipe

Boil onions one hour in slightly salted water, and remove the centers.

Make a stuffing of minced liver or chicken in these proportions; to one

pound of meat one third of a cupful of gravy milk or cream, one

half-cupful of fine bread crumbs, one egg, pepper and salt and some of

the onion taken from the centers, mix well and fill the onion shells,

dust over a few bread crumbs, dot with butter and bake until brown. Put

the remaining onion into a stew pan, with a tablespoonful of butter, a

half-tablespoonful of flour, and after it boils up once, add a half-cup

of milk, a teaspoonful of parsley, salt and pepper, boil up again, pour

over onions and serve. This is a good second course after soup served

with apple sauce.



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